Kausar Qazilbash

Board Advisor
30+ year of experience in leading digital transformation and AI adoption solutions for global enterprises
Ex-Accenture Managing Partner
MBA from IMD

🌟 A Legacy of Leadership at Accenture 🌟
With an impressive tenure of 22 years at Accenture, Kausar Qazilbash has been at the forefront of digital innovation. His senior leadership roles there have seen him spearheading transformative projects in digital business, particularly within the Oil & Gas, Utilities, Chemicals, and Mining sectors. His deep insights into digital transformation, analytics, artificial intelligence, and industry-specific digital solutions has marked him as a leader in the field.

πŸš€ Driving Digital and AI Enablement πŸš€
Kausar’s journey at Accenture was characterized by his relentless pursuit of excellence in digital technology adoption and strategy formulation. He has been instrumental in guiding top-tier companies and C-suite executives through the intricacies of digital transformation and AI enablement, paving the way for groundbreaking changes in the industry.

πŸ€– At the Helm of Generative AI Innovation at NexaQuanta πŸ€–
As NexaQuanta’s Board Advisor, Kausar brings this wealth of experience and a visionary approach to our mission. His expertise will be pivotal in shaping our Generative AI-powered transformation services, ensuring they are not only cutting-edge but also responsibly and safely implemented. With his guidance, we are set to scale new heights in driving higher revenues, profitability, and productivity for our global clients.